Live broadcast on August 5th according to French media RMC, the deadlock between mbaper and Paris Saint Germain continues. The Paris Saint Germain club has not yet decided whether he can play in the first round of France A.
According to RMC’s news, mbap will train with other players who are absent from Asian Games next Monday. As for whether he can play in the first game of the new season League on August 12 (against Lyons), it has not been decided yet, however, it is not impossible for him to sit on the bench or stand. The conflict between the club and the players continues, and there is still no discussion between the two camps. Paris coach Louis Enrick felt uncomfortable about the situation in Mbappe. Paris President Nasser realized this embarrassment because Enrick really wanted to use Mbappe.
RMC said that Nasser’s position on mbape had not changed. The katarans couldn’t understand why the players didn’t accept the terms of the transfer commitment next summer, and why the club still found itself in an “incomprehensible” situation after giving him everything.
For Paris consultant Louis Campos, he played the role of mediator and placate card. This sports consultant talked with Louis Enrick about mbape and the development of the situation every day, but he didn’t know what the result of this soap opera would be.