Live Bar, August 4, according to the report of “every body”, Costa Rica player Lopes Ortiz, who played for Rio Canas La Coruna, was swimming in a local river and died unfortunately after being attacked by crocodiles.
Reports from the country said that Lopez Ortiz entered the river to swim, and he did not find the existence of crocodiles. Crocodiles attacked him soon, and he had been biting his body. Residents in the area tried to salvage the body and decided to shoot the crocodile in order to take the dead players ashore. Local residents revealed that due to the large number of crocodiles, the river is very dangerous, so few people can swim in it.
Lopes Ortiz left two children, eight years old and three years old. They got help through the fund-raising activities organized by the club.
After learning about what happened, the team of Lopes Ortiz published a statement on the social network, expressing regret for his death: “With deep pain, we announced the death of our player Hessus-Lopes-Ortiz. Rest in peace, we have joined the pain of his whole family, and we will miss you.”
(Moon footprint)